In a time where most animals are extinct and billions of people starving due to climate change, the rich have turned to farm raised humans as their source of protein.
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"Humans may be gradually losing intelligence"
according to a new study.
Published Nov 12, 2012 in the journal "Trends in Genetics"
the study argues that humans lost the evolutionary pressure
to be smart once we started living in dense agricultural  settlements several thousand years ago.
Study author GERALD CRABTREE, a researcher
at Stanford University...
"The development of our intellectual abilities and the optimization of thousands of intelligence genes
probably occurred in relatively non-verbal, dispersed groups of peoples [living] before our ancestors emerged from Africa"
"Since then it's all been downhill"  Crabtree contends.
           Food for thought, don't you think?

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"The Cookhouse"
Food for thought...

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